Přednáška | Recent Archaeological Discoveries from Pakistan
Recent Archaeological Discoveries from Pakistan with special reference to the Iron Age Cemeteries from Chitral Valley
Abdul Hameed (Hazara University Mansehra)
21. listopad, 14:10
Přednáška proběhne hybridně – v knihovně ARÚ v Letenské 4, Praha, a online přes Zoom (https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/93582157480).
The scholar conducted archaeological excavations at Iron Age cemeteries in the Chitral Valley (Pakistan) in 2021 and 2023, with financial support from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The primary objective was to apply archaeological and bio-molecular analyses to ancient human skeletons from the sites, as well as DNA from modern Chitral populations, to reconstruct early human migration into the region and assess their potential genetic contributions to present-day populations in the region.
Excavations at the Iron Age cemeteries of Gankoriniotek, Singoor, and Thamuniak, Broze, Chitral Valley (Pakistan), revealed 20 Iron Age burials rich in biological and archaeological remains. Inhumation, cremation, and fractional burials were observed at the excavated sites. The archaeological artifacts found alongside the skeletal remains include jewellery, weapons, tools, and other ritual objects, providing valuable insights into the social status, sex, and profession of the deceased.
The lecture will focus on the archaeological and biological remains from recent field investigations in the Chitral Valley (Pakistan) and their significance in constructing the cultural and genetic history of the region.

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