About the Library
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About the loan
Opening hours:
Mon 13:00-16:00
Tue 9:00-16:00
Wed 9:00-18:00
Thu 9:00-16:00
Fri 9:00-16:00
It is only possible to study the publications in the library study room. Readers are advised to use the option of pre-ordering through their ALEPH account, or by emailing knihovna@arup.cas.cz or calling +420 257 014 318.
The Library of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS Prague acquires literature from archaeology and related disciplines and makes it available to professional users and the general public. The library collection includes basic Central and Western European scholarly production, but also publications from other parts of Europe and beyond. The aim is to acquire basic archaeological journals, series and proceedings, and among monographs, especially works of theoretical and methodological importance, regardless of the place of publication.
The electronic catalogue allows you to quickly search online for monographs and series and/or articles. Publications can then be easily found in the free selection according to the listed signatures.
The library
- Processes all types of documents (monographs, serials, electronic resources) arriving at the library of the ARÚ AV ČR in the automated library system ALEPH 500 and ensures their subsequent accessibility in the library’s electronic catalogue.
- Produces a selective bibliography of Czech, Moravian and Silesian archaeology.
- Creates the ASEP – Repository of the Czech Academy of Sciences for RIV.
- Provides information, research and methodological services to the Institute’s staff and, by prior arrangement, to non-institutional interested parties.
- Provides access to selected specialist databases.
- It also sells books published by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in Prague (see the current list of publications), orders from the current offer of publications can be made here or by e-mail at knihovna@arup.cas.cz.
Alice Broncová | information specialist | broncova@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 393 |
Jan Hajniš | cataloguer | hajnis@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 397 |
Lucie Knoblochová | loan register, library services | knoblochova@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 344 |
František Ochrana | Head of the library | ochrana@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 415 |
Lada Šlesingerová | management of specialized bibliographical database based on Czech and foreign literature | slesingerova@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 412 |
Eva Šoufková | book sales, librarian services | knihovna@arup.cas.cz | +420 257 014 318 |
Email: knihovna@arup.cas.cz
Phone: +420 257 014 318
Head of the library: Mgr. František Ochrana