Research projects – archive

Code of the project Provider Solution period Primary researcher Researcher from the IAP
Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic (AIS CR)
LM2018134 MEYS CR, Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation 2020-2022 IAB Mgr. David Novák, Ph.D.
Possibilities of radiocarbon dating of historic mortars
DG20P02OVV028 MC CR, NAKI III 2020-2022 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS Mgr. Jana Maříková-Kubková, Ph.D.
ARIADNEplus – Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe – plus
823914 H2020–INFRAIA-2018-1 2019-2022 PIN (Italy) Mgr. David Novák, Ph.D.
Textiles from archaeological contexts at Prague Castle – relics of Czech rulers, their family members and Church dignitaries
GA19-00166S Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 IAP PhDr. Helena Březinová, Ph.D.
Non-destructive geophysical survey of agriculturally threatened sites containing various types of ditch fencing
R300021901 CAS, regional cooperation 2019 IAP RNDr. Roman Křivánek, Ph.D.
Marble as a raw material for jewelry in Neolithic Central Europe
GA19-04121S Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 IAP Mgr. Pavel Burgert, Ph.D.
Genomic adaptations and molecular ecology of food production systems
GA19-09352S GA CR 2019-2021 IAP prof. Mgr. Viktor Černý Dr.
Lifestyle as an unconscious form of identity in the Neolithic period
GA19-16304S Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 IAP doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D.
Sazava – Archaeology of a Benedictine Monastery
GA19-17636S Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 IAP prof. PhDr. Petr Sommer CSc., DSc.
Prehistoric and Historic Glass from the Czech Republic. Continuity of the dialogue between archaeology and archaeometry
GA19-23566S Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 IAP PhDr. Kateřina Tomková, Ph.D.
Technology of treatment and identification of degradation processes of ceramic finds from Hradčany palaces – Methods of restoration and conservation of porous and sintered ceramics and porcelain
DG18P02OVV028 MC CR, NAKI II 2 2018-2022 FCHT VŠCHT Mgr. Gabriela Blažková, Ph.D.
Archaeology from the Sky. Analysis and presentation of remote sensing collections in Moravia and Silesia
DG18P02OVV058 MC CR, NAKI II 2 2018-2022 UAPP Brno prof. PhDr. Martin Gojda, CSc.
Research on ultra-trace isotopes and their applications in social and environmental sciences by accelerator mass spectrometry (RAMSES)
EF16_019/0000728 MEYS CR, OP EU Operational programme 2018-2023 NPI CAS PhDr. Dagmar Dreslerová, Ph.D.
International exchange of methodological experiences in studying the impact of emergencies on migration and economic strategies of past human populations
EF16_027/0008494 MEYS CR, OP EU Operational programme 2018-2019 IAP doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D.
Germans in Central Bohemia. Research, protection and presentation of the archaeological site in the Holubice municipality and preparation of cultural and educational infrastructure in the region
R300021421 CAS, regional cooperation 2018-2019 IAP Mgr. Alžběta Danielisová, Ph.D.
Between Avar and Carolingian Empire. Nodal Points of long-distance Contacts of Bohemia in 8th and 9th Century
GA18-00477S Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 IAP PhDr. Naďa Profantová, CSc.
Weaving looms, intentional demolitions, burnt offerings…? A new look at rituals in the life of Bronze Age settlements
GA18-10747S Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 FoA UoSB PhDr. Martin Kuna CSc., DSc.
The emergence of Vyšehrad. Archaeology and the beginnings of prominent political centre of the early Czech state
GA18-16362S Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 IAP Mgr. Ladislav Varadzin, Ph.D.
Mobility of raw materials and artifact life cycles: the archaeometry of metals and glass in the Late Latin and Early Roman periods
GA18-20096S Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 IAP Mgr. Alžběta Danielisová, Ph.D.
Clothing Accessories and Social Life in Medieval Cities of Central Europe (Prague – Wroclaw)
GA18-26503S Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 IAP Dr. Jakub Sawicki
Archaeological Analogies for Verifying Container Life Models for Deep-Sea Radioactive Waste Repositories
TK01010040 TA CR 2018-2022 ÚJV Řež Mgr. Alžběta Danielisová, Ph.D.
Archiv-Net Project: Cross-border linking of cultural and historical collections in Saxony and Bohemia
100346365 INTERREG V A Czech Republic-Saxony 2018-2020 Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen MUDr. Mgr. Kryštof Derner
Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic – Second Generation (AIS-2)
EF16_013/0001439 MEYS CR, OP EU Operational Programme 2017-2021 IAP PhDr. Martin Kuna CSc., DSc.
Hidden Human Activities in Mountain Areas. Archaeological and paleoecological research in Šumava
GA17-17909S Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 IAP PhDr. Dagmar Dreslerová, Ph.D.
Celtic Oppida and Other Forts – A Cross-Cultural Comparison
GA17-20106S Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 IAP doc. PhDr. Vladimír Salač, CSc.
Doctoral School of Archaeology: new methods, technologies and research on historical heritage
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0 /16_018/0002686 EF – ESF, OPVVV 2017-2022 UoWB doc. PhDr. Luboš Jiráň, CSc.
VirtualArch – Visualizations to evaluate. An international project for better use of hidden archaeological heritage
CE947 Interreg Central Europe 2017-2020 Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen Mgr. Jan Mařík, Ph.D.
INDIHU – developing tools and infrastructure for digital humanities
DG16P02B039 MC CR, NAKI II 1 2016-2020 Kn CAS Mgr. David Novák, Ph.D.
Lime Materials for the Restoration and Conservation of Authentic Elements of Historic Buildings
DG16P02H012 MC CR, NAKI II 1 2016-2020 ÚTaAM CAS Mgr. Jana Maříková-Kubková, Ph.D.
Mobility and Social Status of Early Bronze Age Populations on the Amber Trail. Testimony from the Mikulovice burial site
GA16-14855S Czech Science Foundation 2016-2020 IAP Mgr. Michal Ernée, Ph.D.
Touchstones of prehistory
GA16-22207S Czech Science Foundation 2016-2019 IAP Mgr. Martin Ježek, Ph.D.
Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic (AIS CR)
LM2015080 MEYS, large infrastructures 2016-2019 IAB PhDr. Martin Kuna CSc., DSc.
Building Structures, Activity Areas and Settlement Space Organization at Early Neolithic Settlement Sites (5000/4900 – 4500/4400 BC)
GA15-16963S Czech Science Foundation 2015-2019 IAP Mgr. Jaroslav Řídký, Ph.D.
Socio-ritual center in the Early Neolithic period (4900-4500 BC)
Neuron Impuls 2014 NF Neuron 2015-2017 IAP Mgr. Jaroslav Řídký, Ph.D.
Medieval Textile and Dyeing Technologies – Archaeometry of Textile Finds
GA14-06451S Czech Science Foundation 2014-2018 IAP PhDr. Helena Březinová, Ph.D.
Variability of Neolithic pottery technology as an indicator of social identity
GA14-07062S Czech Science Foundation 2014-2018 IAP doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D.
Archaeology, Archaeometry and Informatics: prehistoric and medieval glass in the Czech Republic
GA14-25396S Czech Science Foundation 2014-2016 IAP PhDr. Natalie Venclová DrSc.
Medieval population in the center and countryside. Archaeology, bioarchaeology and genetics in the burial sites of Prague Castle, Central and Eastern Bohemia
GB14-36938G Czech Science Foundation, Excelence projects 2014-2018 IAP PhDr. Jan Frolík CSc.
Non-destructive geophysical excavations of significant and endangered archaeological sites in the Ústí nad Labem Region
R300021421 CAS, regional cooperation 2014-2016 IAP RNDr. Roman Křivánek, Ph.D.
Integrated Information System of Archaeological Sources of Prague
DF13P01OVV014 MC CR, NAKI 3 2013-2017 IAP PhDr. Ivana Boháčová, Ph.D.
From finds to structure. Remote Sensing Information System and the potential of aerial photography for archaeological mapping
GA13-19041S Czech Science Foundation 2013-2015 IAP prof. PhDr. Martin Gojda CSc.
Celtic coinage in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC in the Bohemian lands and its relation to the Oppid period
GA13-24707S Czech Science Foundation 2013-2018 IAP PhDr. Jiří Militký, Ph.D.
Genetic fingerprints of food production systems in human populations
GA13-37998S Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 IAP prof. Mgr. Viktor Černý Dr.
Individual and Community. A probe into the stratification of Early Bronze Age society through the study of burial sites
GP13-24252P Czech Science Foundation 2013-2018 IAP Mgr. Petr Limburský, Ph.D.
Life of the common people at Prague Castle under the early Habsburgs. An analysis of material culture in a Central European context
GP13-34374P Czech Science Foundation 2013-2017 IAP Mgr. Gabriela Blažková, Ph.D.
Archaeological map of the Czech Republic. System for data collection, management and presentation
DF12P01OVV003 MC CR, NAKI 2 2013-2015 IAP PhDr. Martin Kuna CSc., DSc.
ARIADNE – Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe
313193 FP7-INFRASTRUC-TURES 2013-2017 PIN (Italy) PhDr. Martin Kuna CSc., DSc.
Archaeological 3D Virtual Museum. New technologies for the documentation and presentation of Neolithic settlements
DF12P01OVV032 MC CR, NAKI 2 2012-2015 IAP doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D.
Social modelling as a tool for understanding the structure of Celtic society and cultural change at the end of the Iron Age
GAP405/12/0926 Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 IAP Mgr. Alžběta Danielisová, Ph.D.
The burial site in Lumbe’s Garden at Prague Castle. An analysis of jewellery and grave goods in the context of the origins of Prague Castle and the Přemyslid domain
GAP405/12/2195 Czech Science Foundation 2012-2015 IAP PhDr. Jan Frolík, CSc.
Swords of medieval Europe as a technological, archaeological and cultural history source
GAP405/12/2289 Czech Science Foundation 2012-2018 IAP Ing. Jiří Hošek, Ph.D.
raditional Lime Technologies of Historic Buildings and Their Use Today
DF11P01OVV010 MC CR, NAKI 1 2011-2015 ÚTaAM CAS RNDr. Iva Herichová
Bohemia and Central Europe between 400 BC and 100 AD (Celts, Germans and Roman Empire) – Synthesis and Interpretation
GAP405/11/0603 Czech Science Foundation 2011-2015 IAP doc. PhDr. Vladimír Salač, CSc.
Neolithic roundels based on micromorphological and formative analysis
GAP405/11/1590 Czech Science Foundation 2011-2015 IAP doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D.
Mintmaking at Bohemian oppids of the Latin Age
GAP405/10/1588 Czech Science Foundation 2010-2015 IAP PhDr. Jiří Militký, Ph.D.
Princely and Royal Acropolis at Vyšehrad. Evidence of archaeology
GAP405/10/2334 Czech Science Foundation 2010-2015 IAP PhDr. Bořivoj Nechvátal, CSc.