Mgr. Barbora Hunčovská

Department: Department of Historical Archaeology
Position: Historian
Phone: +420 257 014 396
Specialisation: animal history, historical anthropology & sociocultural history of modern warfare, Austria-Hungary and the Czech lands 1867–1918, analysis of egodocuments and historical experience
CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008705 The Land Gone Wild: Archaeology and Transdisciplinary Research of Resilience Strategies in 20th Century


B. Hunčovská (*1991) is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, with her thesis titled Language as a Means of Social Confrontation. Linguistic Strategies and Language-Related Experiences of the Austro-Hungarian Soldiers in the First World War. She focuses on the historical anthropology of the First World War soldiers, history of human-animal relationships, and sociocultural history of modern warfare. Among her research topics are the soldier-horse relationships in the First World War, representations of cats in history, theory and methodology of interpretation of egodocuments, or resilience strategies of the Ukrainian society in the Russian war against Ukraine (mainly through the relationships with animals).

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