Bc. Samuel Kertés

Department: Department of Natural Sciences and Archaeometry
Job: archaeologist
Phone: +420 257 014 407
E-mail: kertes@arup.cas.cz
Specialization: stable isotopes, data analysis
GA25-18176S Grazing through time: Human-herbivore dynamics in woodland ecosystems from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age
CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004593 Ready for the future: understanding long-term resilience of the human culture (RES-HUM)
LUABA22049 Oppidum Závist in the 21st Century – New questions and methods for research and education
GA23-07764S Social and technological change along the Amber Road in the third century BC. Multi-isotopic and aDNA analysis of La Tène cemeteries in Moravia


He is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Archaeology of Prehistoric and Medieval Times at Charles University. His work focuses on the evaluation of stable isotope samples for diet and mobility reconstruction based on data analysis using programming and machine learning. He is also in charge of sample processing in the geochemical laboratory of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS.