Mgr. Štěpánka Petričáková

Department: Department of Historical Archaeology
Position: Historian
Phone: +420 257 014 396
Specialisation: women’s congregations, oral history
CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008705 The Land Gone Wild: Archaeology and Transdisciplinary Research of Resilience Strategies in 20th Century


Š. Petričáková (*1999) graduated from the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in 2021 with her bachelor thesis Imperial Stud Farm in Kladruby nad Labem During The Rudolph’s II. Era. In 2023, she completed her studies of teaching German language and history at the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University by defending her bachelor thesis  The Activities of the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love in Veltrusy (1921-1950).  She received her Master’s degree in 2024 by graduating in oral history at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University, where she successfully defended her thesis Puppetry as a family tradition on the example of the Kopecký family. She is currently researching women’s congregations in the 19th and 20th century.

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