Tursko. An Early Bronze Age Hoard from Central Bohemia (Památky archeologické – Supplementum 22)

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The book presents a detailed multidisciplinary analysis of one of the largest and most important European Early Bronze Age hoards of bronze and gold artefacts. Together with neckrings, solid penannular bracelets, arm spirals, cuff-shaped bracelets and spiral rolls the hoard contains also less common artefacts as ring-headed pin with ring-chain, halberd blade or collection of decorated sheet-bronzes (applique, discs and oar-headed pins). Absolutely unique are three solid-hilted daggers in scabbards. Gold ornaments are represented by four noppenrings and one spiral ring. The hoard was found in 2015 in Tursko near Prague and is deposited in the Central Bohemian Museum in Roztoky.

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Price in EUR: 22,-
Author: Michal Ernée, Lubor Smejtek, Jiří Kmošek, David Daněček, Marek Fikrle, Julie Erban Kočergina, David Cibulka, Marek Vlach et kol.
ISBN: 978-80-7581-053-3
Publisher: Institute of Archaeology CAS, Prague
Year published: 2024
Length: 478 p.
Language: Czech, English